图为2020年10月20日晚间,川普总统在宾夕法尼亚州伊利市(Erie)国际机场举行竞选集会的情景。(图片来源:Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)
根据政治新闻网(Politico)的记者乔什.布雷斯汉(Josh Bresnahan)周三(4日)公布的消息,宾州民主党官员私下告诉拜登竞选团队的官员,他们相信,在完成所有计票后,最后有让拜登在宾州胜选的10万到20万张富余选票。
Pennsylvania Democratic officials are privately telling Biden campaign officials that they believe final margin of victory for Biden in Pennsylvania will be 100K-200K votes when the counting is finally done
— John Bresnahan (@BresPolitico) November 4, 2020
宾夕法尼亚州民主党籍州长汤姆.沃尔夫(Tom Wolf)周三(4日)公开说,该州还有300万邮寄选票等待计票。而几小时前,他声称的是还有“100多万邮寄投票”。
大选前三天,宾夕法尼亚州民主党籍检察长乔希.夏皮罗(osh Shapiro)宣布:“如果宾州的所有选票加起来,川普会输掉。”在大选日,他又鼓励选民向民主党寻求帮助,他特别发推说:“需要你的邮寄选票的帮助,找到在哪投票,或其他事。”
Need help with your mail in ballot, finding out where to vote, or something else?
— Josh Shapiro (@JoshShapiroPA) November 3, 2020
Call the @PADems Voter Assistance Hotline. Someone will answer and help you out. Call 1-833-PA-VOTES pic.twitter.com/Jf9KfLtNRI
前《纽约时报》记者亚历克斯.贝伦森(Alex Berenson)周四(5日)发推文分析说,川普现在有可能输掉宾夕法尼亚州的原因是,自大选日以来,邮寄投票总数已急剧上升。当时的估计是250万张选票。两天后,将近290万张了。那就是川普赢和拜登赢之间的区别。
Again DELETING (and screenshotting for posterity) a tweet with apparently incorrect information I don’t want retweeted. Second time in two days. Not happy about this - especially since this time the problem comes from the cross-talk on two official Websites. pic.twitter.com/Vyw2tVFnm7
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) November 5, 2020
Big legal win in Pennsylvania!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2020
川普总统的高级顾问杰森.米勒(Jason Miller)也发推说,在费城取得了重大法律胜利,不久还有更多消息跟上。
🚨Massive legal victory in Philly just now. More to follow shortly.🚨
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) November 5, 2020
“JustTheNews”的白宫记者凯莉.谢菲尔德(Carrie Sheffield)周四(5日)透露消息说:“爆炸消息:今天上午,宾夕法尼亚州的上诉法院裁定,确保共和党观察员可以监督计票。他们曾被推远16英尺,有时是100英尺远。”
BREAKING: Appellate court in PA this morning ruling guarantees GOP observers can watch the ballot counts. They had been pushed away 16 sometimes 100 feet away. "I can't stress enough how big a victory this is." Justin Clark, Trump Deputy Campaign Manager #Election2020 #VoteCount
— Carrie Sheffield (@carriesheffield) November 5, 2020
BREAKING: Appellate Commonwealth Court of PA sides with @GOP/@TeamTrump, rejects deadline extension for absentee voters to provide missing proof of identification. The court has enforced statutory deadline and ordered those ballots be segregated and not counted. #ballotcount pic.twitter.com/r93F1lVgEZ
— Carrie Sheffield (@carriesheffield) November 5, 2020
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