6月6日,卡霍夫卡水电站水坝决堤后,赫尔松郊区安东诺夫斯基大桥(The Antonovskiy Bridge,REAR)附近被洪水淹没。(图片来源:OLEG TUCHYNSKY/AFP/Getty Images)
【看中国2023年6月7日讯】(看中国记者闻天清编译/综合报导)乌克兰南部新卡霍夫卡(Nova Kakhovka)水坝被炸毁,造成第聂伯河(Dnipro)沿岸大片地区被淹没,数万人面临洪水威胁。联合国人道主义事务的副秘书长发出警告,水坝决堤的后果严重且影响深远。
Russia blew up Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam wrecking havoc on civilians and the environment downstream on the Dnipro river. Russia’s army was squandered in Ukraine, so it chose to employ water as a weapon. However, this will only increase Ukraine's resolve to drive them off our soil. pic.twitter.com/agdy6ykyhG
— Ukraine / Україна (@Ukraine) June 6, 2023
在联合国安理会上,联合国负责人道主义事务的副秘书长、紧急救济协调员马丁·格里菲斯((Martin Griffiths)表示,新卡霍夫卡水坝决堤将对乌克兰南部第聂伯河沿岸地区居民生活环境造成严重、深远的负面影响,他们将失去家园、食物、安全用水和平静的生活。
These are satellite images of the russian man-made disaster at the Nova Kakhovka Dam and HPP.
— Oleksii Reznikov (@oleksiireznikov) June 6, 2023
The scene resembles a big-budget Hollywood post-apocalypse movie. However, this is the reality of the russian world. And the perpetrators of this war crime, another crime against… pic.twitter.com/IcJeCJi84C
Massive humanitarian disaster due to the collapse of the Nova Kakhovka dam on the Dnieper River in Southern Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of blowing up the dam. pic.twitter.com/qfG1Xui8hd
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) June 7, 2023
As of this morning, the water level in Nova Kakhovka began to decrease!As of this morning, the water level in Nova Kakhovka began to decrease! pic.twitter.com/CyupUsBr7u
— Feher_Junior (@Feher_Junior) June 7, 2023
Huge amounts of fish die in de Dnipro region, because the water level is dropping after the Russian occupiers blew up the hydroelectric power station in Nova Kakhovka. Russia caused one of the biggest ecological disasters of this century. This a terrible war crime. pic.twitter.com/EXb2WAOX5P
— AÏMelonïa🇺🇦 (@VesimeloniFella) June 7, 2023
乌克兰总统顾问达利亚·萨里夫纳(Daria Zarivna)在社群媒体发文写道:“(新卡霍夫卡水坝)爆炸导致150吨机油流入了第聂伯河。”
乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)称,还有超过300吨的机油可能会泄漏。
乌克兰内政部长伊霍尔·克雷门科(Ihor Klymenko)发表一份声明称:“截至目前,已有24个乌克兰居住点被洪水淹没”。
6月6日,美国白宫国家安全会议发言人约翰·柯比(John Kirby)在新闻记者会上称,美国正在评估新卡霍夫卡水坝遭炸毁的报导,尚无证据证实谁炸毁水坝。他说:“我们看到俄罗斯应为水坝被炸负责的报导,我们正竭尽所能评估这些报导,正与乌克兰合力收集更多信息,但是我们无法确定地说发生了什么事。”
根据公开资料显示,位于第聂伯河(Dnipro River)上的新卡霍夫卡水坝建于1956年,高30米,长3.2公里,蓄水量相当于美国犹他州的大盐湖(Great Salt Lake),该水坝属于卡霍夫卡水电站的一部分。卡霍夫卡水电站水库也向俄罗斯占领的克里米亚半岛和扎波罗热核电站供水。