图为2020年11月7日,川普总统支持者在亚利桑那州凤凰城集会打出“停止窃选”的牌子,抗议民主党和拜登舞弊。(图片来源:Mario Tama/Getty Images)
【看中国2021年7月17日讯】(看中国记者程雯编译/综合报导)亚利桑那州参议院在7月15日(周四)举行听证会,听取选举审计员对该州最大的郡马里科帕郡(Maricopa County)2020大选选票的审计初步结果。审计员透露,马里科帕郡有8万多张选票来路不明,其中1万多个投票凭空出现,7.4万张邮寄选票只有收到记录,却没有寄出记录。前总统川普表示,这对民主党和拜登来说是给毁灭性的消息。
对马里科帕郡2020年大选中的大约210万张选票的审计由州参议院聘请的审计顾问公司“网络忍者”(Cyber Ninjas)领导执行,该审计从4月23日开始,到6月底结束。
7月13日的时候,亚利桑那州参议院议长卡伦.范恩(Karen Fann)表示,这次审计结果和马里科帕郡的官方结果有出入。
BREAKING: Arizona Audit meeting at AZ State Senate reveals Maricopa County still has not provided many materials needed for complete audit - including routers, chain of custody, and images of mail in ballots#ArizonaAudit #AmericasAudit #ElectionIntegrity
— Arizona Republican Party (@AZGOP) July 15, 2021
Arizona: 74,000 mail-ballots received, but no record of 74,000 mail-in ballots sent? Whoa.
— Cari Kelemen 2.0 (@CariKelemen) July 15, 2021
ARIZONA HEARING: 11,326 voters NOT on voter rolls on November 7, but WERE on the voter roll on December 4, and were marked a VOTED in November 3 election.
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) July 15, 2021
We don’t even know if these ballots marked “duplicate” are valid at all - a huge numbers aren’t matched to an original ballot from a real voter - AZ law requires originals and duplicates to be clearly marked with a matching serial number… https://t.co/5CLN4VB207
— Dr. Kelli Ward 🇺🇸 (@kelliwardaz) July 17, 2021
🚨🔥Election Management System was breached during the course of the 2020 election, says digital forensic expert Ben Cotton at the Arizona hearing on the Maricopa County audit. pic.twitter.com/O62EZ5UzDJ
— You Know Who (@YouKnowMares) July 15, 2021
🚨 THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING! pic.twitter.com/otDekj0UiP
— Audit War Room (@AuditWarRoom) July 15, 2021
10,457 votes—that’s how many Biden allegedly “won” Arizona by in 2020.
— Natalie Harp (@NatalieJHarp) July 16, 2021
But now according to the @ArizonaAudit, there are tens of thousands of discrepancies.
So who really won in November?@christina_bobb with THE REAL STORY @OANN:https://t.co/9KPO4KlpjM
针对这些审计结果,亚利桑那州参议员温迪.罗杰斯(Wendy Rogers)表示是时候该取消2020大选的认证结果了;州参议员凯利.汤森(Kelly Townsend)认为,选举舞弊如此严重,应该进行起诉了。州参议员桑尼.博雷利(Sonny Borrelli)认为,已经看到足够的证据来质疑2020大选结果的有效性了。
.@POTUS45 on @ArizonaAudit:
— Natalie Harp (@NatalieJHarp) July 17, 2021
"Senator Wendy Rogers says 'I have heard enough. It’s time to decertify this election.' Senator Kelly Townsend said the fraud was so bad 'I want to see indictments.' Senator Sonny Borrelli says 'I've seen enough evidence to challenge the validity'..." pic.twitter.com/YizYB1X612
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) July 15, 2021
President Donald J. Trump on the bombshell AZ hearing
"[D]evastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Admin
"The irregularities revealed at the hearing today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won." pic.twitter.com/vfnHJpE1AT