以下是川普讲话全文翻译(全文翻译 三 结束)。
请勿错过:【川普】贸易协定 习可能采取更快行动 (全文翻译 一) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/20/904281.html
请勿错过:【川普】中国想达成协议 我还没准备好 (全文翻译 二) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/20/904338.html
Q (Inaudible.) What do you think the change is at Fox?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know what’s happening with Fox, but when they have, like, a Juan Williams, who has never said a positive thing, and yet, when I show up at the Fox building, he’s out there, “Oh, sir, can I have a picture with you? Could I have a picture?” And he was 100 percent nice. I mean, you’ve never asked me for a picture.
Q I have not. Should the Murdochs, sir, change the management at Fox? Or should they bring in new —
问:我没有。先生,默多克应该改变福克斯的管理层吗?或者他们应该带来新的 -
THE PRESIDENT: No. No. They have to run it the way they want to run it. But Fox is different. There’s no question about it. And I think they’re making a big mistake, because Fox was treated very badly by the Democrats — very, very badly — having to do with the debates and other things. And I think Fox is making a big mistake. Because, you know, I’m the one that calls the shots on that — on the really big debates. I guess we’re probably planning on three of them.
总统:不。不。他们必须以他们想要的方式运行它。但福克斯已不同了。这毫无疑问。而且我认为他们犯了一个大错误,因为民主党人对福克斯非常坏 - 非常非常的坏,这与辩论和其它事情有关。我认为福克斯在犯一个大错。因为,你知道,我就是那个主张拍摄真正的大辩论的人。我想我们可能正策划其中的三个。
Q You might not debate, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m very — I’m not happy with Fox. I’m certainly happy — I think Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs, and I think Tucker Carlson and Laura and Jesse Watters, and Jeanine. We have a lot of great people. Even Greg Gutfeld; he wasn’t good to me two years ago. Now he sees all I’ve done, and he said, “Would you rather have a great President or a nice guy?” I don’t know, I think I’m a nice guy. But nobody has done in two and a half years what I’ve done. And I say that a lot. And very few people can challenge it.
总统:嗯,我对福克斯非常不满意。当然我对一些人是满意的 - 我想到肖恩·汉尼蒂(Sean Hannity)、卢·多布斯(Lou Dobbs)、塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson),劳拉(Laura)和杰西·瓦特斯(Jesse Watters)以及珍妮(Jeanine)。我们有很多优秀的人才。甚至格雷格·古特菲尔德(Greg Gutfeld)。两年前他对我不好。现在他看到了我所做的一切,他说,“你宁愿有一个伟大的总统还是一个好人?”我不知道,我想我是一个好人。但是,没有人能完成我在两年半时间里所完成的。而且我说了很多边。很少有人能够挑战它。
The first two and a half years, nobody has done what I’ve done in terms of tax cuts, regulation cuts, the military, the vets, the Choice, so many different things. Nobody has done that.
Q Can you clarify what you meant when you said that you don’t want to do business with Huawei? Are you not going to extend this license for 90 days to temporarily allow —
问:您说您不想和华为做生意,您能澄清一下您的意思吗?您是否打算将此许可证延长90天以暂时允许 -
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m talking to my people, but ultimately, we don’t want to do business with Huawei for national security reasons.
Q But not even a temporary extension that —
问:但是,即使是临时延伸 -
THE PRESIDENT: We’ll see what happens. I’m making a decision tomorrow. It could be temporary — could be — and maybe not. But we’re going to make a decision tomorrow.
总统:我们将看看会发生什么。我明天要做出决定。这可能是暂时的 - 可能是 - 也许不是。但我们明天会做出决定。
Q So the — what I was asking about, the Fox poll, that they had you underwater against your main Democratic (inaudible).
问:所以 - 我问的问题,福克斯民意调查显示,他们让您处在主要民主党(听不清)的下风。
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t believe it.
Q Okay.
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t believe it. Every place I go, we have lines outside. Then we have even phony stuff with that. You guys were in New Hampshire. Maggie was there. You saw, that room was packed. And they had thousand — Maggie — there were thousands of people outside. And then, I see some phony website some wise guys put up. That place was packed.
总统:我不相信。我去的每个地方外面都有很多人排队入场。但有些虚假报导的东西。你们在新罕布什尔州。麦琪在那里。你看,那个房间挤满了人。那有上千人 - 麦琪 - 外面有成千上万的人。然后,我看到一些聪明人弄出来的虚假网站。那个集会地方挤满了人。
Q Where do you see that? Where did you see that?
THE PRESIDENT: And the New York Times actually saw that, and actually, there was a massive flag behind — and even the seats behind the flag where you had no view —
总统:《纽约时报》实际上看到了这一点,实际上,背后有一面巨大的旗帜 – 但是旗帜后面的座位,你们看不见 -
Q But there were pictures of empty seats that were on Twitter.
THE PRESIDENT: Because those people came down to be on the floor.
Q Who showed you those pictures? Where did you see those?
THE PRESIDENT: But all of the people — any empty seat, you had the people come down to be on the floor because they were so far away. Plus, you had a big flag.
总统:但是所有的人 - 任何空座位,人们下来在底层因为离得太远(大家跑到前面来了)。另外,有一面大旗。
Look, we had, I think they said, 17,000 people outside that couldn’t get in. The fire marshals close it at a certain level. The arena announced — I don’t know the people at the arena — that I broke Elton John’s record. And then, I have fake news. The fact is that people tend, during a speech that I make, they love to come down to the floor if they’re sitting in the high areas. And they’re not allowed, for fire reasons, to have any more people.
看,我们有,我认为他们说过,外面有17,000人无法进入。防火警察将其限制到一定程度。体育场宣布 - 我不知道体育场的人 - 我已经打破了埃尔顿·约翰的记录。我也知道有假新闻。事实上,人们参加,倾向于在我发表的演讲中,如果他们坐在高处,他们喜欢到地板上。出于消防原因,他们也不允许容纳更多的人。
So, that was an amazing evening, and you saw the enthusiasm. But we had a lot of people sitting behind that massive American flag that couldn’t see, so they moved over and they moved down, and they came down to the floor as the speech started.
But Maggie Haberman was very fair. And she was there and she saw the beginning of that speech. Every seat was packed. But then they tend to come down. They do it all the time.
但是麦琪·哈伯曼(Maggie Haberman)非常公平。她在那里,她看到了那次演讲的开始。每个座位都坐满了。但后来他们陆续往下走。他们一直这样做。
Q But Mitt Romney did his last rally there the night before the election and it was packed.
Q It was.
Q He ended up losing the election, but — so it’s —
问:他最终输掉了选举,但是 - 是这样 -
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, I don’t know. Phil. Phil, what can I tell you? Do I think I’m going to win? Yes. Do I think I have more enthusiasm now than I had before this — you know, the 2016 election? Yes. I think we’re — I think you people do too. And some of you have reported it.
总统:哦,我不知道。菲尔。菲尔,我能告诉你什么?我认为我会赢吗?是。我认为我现在比以前2016年大选有更多的热情吗?是的。我想我们是 - 我认为人们也是这样。你们中的一些人已经报导过了。
I think there is more enthusiasm for President Trump than there was even for Mr. Trump. Because what I said that I was going to do, I did. The tax cut, the regulation cuts — the biggest in history. In two and a half years, more than — and that’s one of the reasons our jobs are so good, because of the regulation cuts.
我认为川普总统的热情甚至超过了川普先生。因为我说我打算这样做,我做到了。减税,监管削减 – 都是历史上最大的。两年半以来,由于监管削减,这也是我们的工作如此之好的原因之一。
Q So, why can’t you tell us whether you talked to President Xi?
THE PRESIDENT: I just don’t want to comment on that
Q Is there a call set up for next week?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I can speak to him any time. But he understands how I feel. I just can’t comment as to whether or not I spoke to him. But I will tell you this: We’re having very, very substantive talks with China, and with others, but with China.
Q Did you watch any of the coverage of the Hong Kong protest? Huge numbers of people.
THE PRESIDENT: I can’t believe it. You know, I tell you, I’ve never seen 2 million people. When you talk about crowd size, Maggie, those are serious crowds — the Hong Kong crowds. I mean, when they said 2 million people on the streets, that really looked like 2 million people on the streets.
总统:我不敢相信。你知道,我告诉你,我从未见过200万人。当你谈到人群规模时,麦琪,那些人都是严肃的人群 - 香港人群。我的意思是,当他们说街上有200万人时,街上真的看起来像是200万人。
Q What changed your mind, sir? Because the other day you were saying that it was, sort of, China’s problem and Hong Kong’s problem to figure this out. And why have you moved?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I think it would be very hard to deal if they do violence. I mean, if it’s another Tiananmen Square, it’s — I think it’s a very hard thing to do if there’s violence.
总统:不,我认为如果他们使用暴力就很难处理。我的意思是,如果它是另一个天安门广场,那就是 - 我认为如果发生暴力事件,那将是一件非常难处理的事情。
And, you know, that — I’m President, but that’s a little beyond me because I think there’d be — you know, I think there’d be tremendous political sentiment not to do something.
而且,你知道,我是总统,但这有点超出我的范围,因为我认为会有 - 你知道,我认为有一种强烈的政治情绪不会做某事。
So I hope — because I think we’re going to end up doing a very good deal. And I think China, by the way, needs a deal much more than we do. But I really do believe that if this weren’t part of the deal, possibly something would have happened already a long time ago.
所以我希望 - 因为我认为我们最终会有一个很好的协议。顺便说一下,我认为中国比我们更需要这个协议。但我确实相信,如果这不是协议的一部分,很可能在很久以前就会发生一些事情。
Q Do you support the principles of the protestors — the pro-democracy movement?
问:您支持抗议者的原则 - 民主运动吗?
Q That’s — that’s what I’m asking.
问:那就是 – 那就是我正在问的问题。
Q Do you think democracy matters?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’ll tell you what I do support: I support liberty. I support democracy. I understand what’s going on very well over there. I’d love to see it worked out in a humane fashion. And I think they have a great chance of doing it.
Look, I put out — and I told you that I really believe — I have a confidence in the — in the talents of President Xi. I think if he met with the protestors, within a very short period of time, they would work something out that’s good for everybody. I really believe that.
看,我已说了 - 我告诉你我真的相信 - 我对于习主席的才能有信心。我想如果他与抗议者会面,他们会在很短的时间内做一些事情,对每个人都好的事情。我真的相信。
He’s a very talented man. I mean, aside from everything, he’s a very talented man. He’s very smart, very talented. And I know him well, probably as well as anybody, And I believe if he sat down with them — now, you know, he’s not — that’s not his deal, sitting down with people. You know, he doesn’t do that. But I think, maybe, the world changes. I really believe if President Xi sat down with representatives of the protestors — and they do have representatives; pretty good representatives, pretty strong representatives. I’ve been watching and seeing them. If he sat down, I think he’d work something out. And I think it would be good for everybody. But it does put pressure on the trade deal. If they do something negative, it puts pressure.
他是一个非常有才华的人。我的意思是,撇开其它一切,他是一个非常有才华的人。他非常聪明,非常有才华。而且我很了解他,可能不亚于其他任何人。我相信如果他(习近平)和他们坐在一起 - 现在,你知道,他没有 - 这不是他做事的方式,与人民坐在一起。你知道,他不这样做。但我想,也许,世界会发生变化。我真的相信,如果习主席与抗议者的代表坐下来 - 他们确实有代表;相当不错的代表,非常有实力的代表。我一直在观察和看着他们。如果他坐下来,我认为他会解决一些问题。而且我认为这对每个人都有好处。但这确实给贸易协议带来了压力。如果他们做了一些反面的事情,就会产生压力。
Now, that deal I can sign by myself. It’s structured so I don’t have to go to Congress. But I respect Congress. I respect the views of Congress. And I respect, most importantly, the views of the people of our country. And I think it would be much harder for me to sign a deal if he did something violent in Hong Kong.
Q But do you support cutting $4 billion in foreign aid?
THE PRESIDENT: Are you talking about the —
总统:你是在说 -
Q Rescission.
THE PRESIDENT: — rescission? Yeah. I support many of those things. We’ll negotiate it out. But, you know, I’ve cut back a lot on countries. You know, we give billions of dollars to countries that don’t even like us. And I’ve been cutting that a lot.
总统:- 废除?是。我支持很多这样的事情。我们会谈判它。但是,你知道,我已经对很多国家削减了外援。你知道,我们给那些甚至不喜欢我们的国家提供数十亿美元。我一直在削减它。
We give billions and billions of dollars to countries that don’t like us — don’t like us even a little bit. And I’ve been cutting that. And we just put a package of about 4 billion additional dollars in. And, in some cases — you know, in some cases, I could see it both ways. In some cases, these are countries that we should not be giving to.
我们向不喜欢我们的国家提供了数十亿美元 – 有的甚至根本不喜欢我们。而且我一直在削减它。我们刚刚提出了一个一揽子计划,只需要额外支付40亿美元。而且,在某些情况下 - 你知道,在某些情况下,我可以两种方式去看这个问题。在某些情况下,这些是我们不应该给予援助的国家。
Q How do you see that cutting aid to them is helping the United States, though? Does it make us safer? Does it make us wealthier?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t think so. No, I don’t think so. And if I thought it would, I’d probably do it. But, you know, I cut back $1.3 billion a year to Pakistan. And when I cut it back, I have a better relationship with — as you know, the President came in, and we have a great relationship. Prime Minister came in. We have a great relationship with Pakistan now. He — we had a really good meeting.
总统:我不这么认为。不,我不这么认为。如果我认为它会,我可能会这样做。但是,你知道,我每年减少13亿美元给巴基斯坦。当我减少它(援助)时,我们反而有更好的关系 - 如你所知,总统来了,我们有很好的关系。总理来了。我们现在与巴基斯坦有着良好的关系。他 - 我们的会谈非常好。
So, what happened: I cut back $1.3 billion. We have a better relationship now. I also cut it back on the Palestinians because they speak very badly about our country. So I cut it back on the Palestinians. We were paying $500 billion($500 million?) a year, and now we’re paying nothing. But I think we’re going to get further because I could see opening that up again. I think we’re going to do much better the way I’m doing it. You know, we’re trying to negotiate a peace deal. Everybody said that’s the deal that’s totally impossible. They talk about a deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis as the toughest deal you could possibly do, no matter what deal you’re talking about.
And I stopped payment on $500 million a year, but I think they’re going to make a deal. And I think one of the reasons they’d want to make a deal is because of that. Okay?
Q Are you going to wait until after the Israeli elections to put out your Middle East Peace plan?
THE PRESIDENT: I probably will wait, but we may put out pieces of it. We have some very talented people — as you know, our great ambassador and others. We have some very talented people.
总统::我可能会等待,但我们可能会把它分开。我们有一些非常有才华的人 - 正如你所知,我们出色的大使和其他人。我们有一些非常有才华的人。
But that’s probably the toughest deal of all — peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians — because they’ve been decades of hate. And it’s tough to make a deal when there’s that much hate.
但这可能是最艰难的 - 以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的和平 - 因为他们已经经历了数十年的仇恨。当有太多的仇恨时,很难达成协议。
But I think I’ve helped it very much by saying, “Look, until there’s a deal, we’re not going to pay you anymore.” And other people should have done that long before me. So these are things, when you talk about rescission — and that’s not part of rescission, by the way — but we have a lot of things like that in the rescission.
但我认为我对它这么说是在帮这个协议很大的忙:“看,除非达成协议,我们不会再支付给你了。”而其他人(前任的总统)早就应该在我之前做到这一点。所以这些都是事情,当你谈到废除时 - 顺便说一下,这不是废除的一部分 - 但我们在废除外援中有很多这样的事情。
Q Sir, you’re going — you’re heading back to Washington after a week off. Do you have any thoughts on the Cabinet? Is the Cabinet solid and going to stay in place, or is somebody going to change?
问:先生,您将去 - 一个星期后您将回到华盛顿。您对内阁有什么想法吗?内阁是否稳固并将原封不动,或有人会改变?
THE PRESIDENT: I think we have a great Cabinet. Yeah, there will always be people changed, because, you know, after — you’re going to be three years now. It’s a long time. They’re under a lot of pressure. And — but I think we have a great Cabinet. I really do. I think our Cabinet is terrific. Some of them will leave for a period of time; they may come back. I mean, the relationship I have is very good with the Cabinet and with others.
总统:我认为我们有一个很棒的内阁。是的,总会有人变动,因为,你知道,执政现在要三年了。很长时间了。他们承受着很大的压力。并且 - 但我认为我们有一个伟大的内阁。我真的这样认为。我认为我们的内阁非常棒。他们中的一些人会离开一段时间;他们可能会回来。我的意思是,我与内阁和其他人的关系非常好。
But, you know, it’s almost three years now, if you can believe it. Right? And at a certain point of time, people do tend to leave.
Q Are you still considering withdrawing from NAFTA if Nancy Pelosi doesn’t bring up the USMCA on the House floor?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I haven’t said whether or not I would, but I would say NAFTA is one of the worst deals ever made in the history of trade deals.
If you look at NAFTA, and you take a look at what it’s done to our country, thousands of factories closed, millions of jobs. It’s been a one-way street. And the USMCA is a great deal. The unions love it. The farmers love it. Everybody wants it. But it’s up to Nancy Pelosi. If she wants to put it for a vote, she’s going to get overwhelming bipartisan support. And I view that as a bipartisan deal. I would imagine she’d put it up.
如果你看看北美自由贸易协定,你看看它对我们国家做了什么,成千上万的工厂关闭了,数以百万计的工作岗位。这是一条单行道。 美墨加协定很棒。工会喜欢它。农民喜欢它。每个人都想要它。但这取决于南希·佩洛西。如果她想把它交付投票,她将得到压倒性的两党支持。我认为这是一个两党合作。我想像她会支持它。
There’s an easy thing to do. It will be totally bipartisan, which is good for the Democrats and the Republicans. And everybody wants it. I mean, the unions like it. The unions hated NAFTA, but they love the USMCA. The farmers, above all, love it, especially the American farmers. Our farmers love it more than the other two sides. They love it. So, a lot of good things going.
But we have to see; they have to put it up for a vote. You know, it’s political season, if you haven’t noticed. So they have to put it up for a vote.
Q You talked about some people coming back into the administration. Could Nikki Haley come back into the administration in any role?
问:您谈到了一些人回到政府。 尼基·海利(Nikki Haley)能否会以任何角色回归政府?
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, at some point, maybe, if she wanted to. Yeah.
Q Have you been talking to her about that?
THE PRESIDENT: I really haven’t. I’ve been talking to a lot of people.
Q (Inaudible) change on the ticket, would you, Mr. President? This continues to get asked about.
THE PRESIDENT: No, I’m very happy with Mike Pence.
总统:没有,我对迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)非常满意。
Q You are?
THE PRESIDENT: I think Mike Pence has been an outstanding VP. I think that he’s been incredible in terms of the love that a lot of people — especially if you look at the Evangelicals and so many others, they really have a great respect for our Vice President. And so do I. And so do, I think, most people.
总统:我认为迈克·彭斯是一位非常杰出的副总统。我认为他在爱心方面尤其令人肃然起敬,很多人 - 特别是如果你看到福音派和其他许多人,他们真的非常尊重我们的副总统。我也是如此。我认为,大多数人都是这样。
No, I wouldn’t — I wouldn’t be thinking about that. A lot of people — a lot of people, you know, amazingly, they bring different names up. And they brought a lot of different names up.
不,我不会(指改变竞选伙伴) - 我不会考虑那个。很多人 - 很多人,你知道,令人惊讶的是,他们举出了不同的名字。他们举出了很多不同的名字。
Q What are the names?
THE PRESIDENT: And that’s — and that’s, by the way — (laughs) — at some point, I’ll let you know — but that’s, by the way, standard. You know, that’s standard. Everybody thought that President Obama was going to change Biden. They all thought that in the, you know, second term, he was going to change it. Everybody thought it. And he didn’t do that.
总统:顺便说一下 - 顺便说一下 - (笑) - 在某个时候,我会让你知道 - 但顺便说一下,这是标准。你知道,那是标准。每个人都认为奥巴马总统将要换掉拜登。他们都认为,在第二任期,他会改变竞选伙伴。大家都在想。他没有这样做。
But, no, I’m very happy with Mike Pence.
Q Thank you, sir.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you.
Q Could just be a little clearer on the gun — your gun position? I don’t —
问:您对枪枝的立场可以说的更清楚一些吗?我不 -
Q Your position on background checks and guns. What would you support exactly?
THE PRESIDENT: So, Congress is looking at it very strongly. Bipartisan. I put in certain parameters, which you somewhat know about. I’m also very, very concerned with the Second Amendment, more so than most Presidents would be. People don’t realize we have very strong background checks right now.
If you go in to buy a gun, you have to sign up. There are a lot of background checks that have been approved over the years. So I’ll have to see what it is.
But Congress is meeting. Bipartisan. A lot of people want to see something happen. But just remember this: Big mental problem, and we do have a lot of background checks right now.
Q But you’re not willing to support universal background checks right now?
THE PRESIDENT: I’m not saying anything. I’m saying Congress is going to be reporting back to me with ideas. And they’ll come in from Democrats and Republicans. And I’ll look at it very strongly. But just remember, we already have a lot of background checks. Okay? Thank you.
Q Have you spoken to Wayne LaPierre again, sir?
问:您有没有再和韦恩·拉皮尔(Wayne LaPierre)说过话,先生?
Q Have you spoken to Wayne LaPierre this week at all during your trip?
THE PRESIDENT: I have. Well, I spoke to him a week ago. And, look, I’ve had a great relationship with the NRA, and I will always have a great relationship. I’ve been very good for the NRA.
If you just look — I mean, we have now two Supreme Court justices — great ones. And who would have thought that was going to happen in, you know, long prior to three years?
如果你看一下 - 我的意思是,我们现在有两个最高法院大法官 - 伟大的法官。在三年之前,谁会想到这种情况会发生?
So, we have two. And equally importantly, we will have, within another 90 days, 179 federal judges. And I say, “Thank you very much, President Obama.” Because he was unable to get them filled. I don’t know what happened to him, but he was unable. So, President Obama did not do his job.
And I inherited 138 empty positions. And, honestly, from his standpoint, and the standpoint of where he’s coming from, that shouldn’t have happened.
And we did do one other thing. I saw last night where some people were talking about criminal justice reform — very liberal Democrats. I’m the one that got it done. And I saw that, and I said, “You know, isn’t it a shame? You do something…” — and I’ve had very conservative people wanting it and very liberal people wanting it.
我们确实做了另外一件事。我昨晚看到一些人在谈论刑法改革 - 非常自由倾向的民主党人。我就是那个完成它的人。我看到了,我说,“你知道,这不是一种耻辱吗?你做了什么...... ”- 我有非常保守的人想要它,同时又非常自由倾向的人想要它。
But if you take a look at — if you take a look at that reform package, without Donald Trump, it doesn’t happen. And you know what? I don’t need the credit. I get enough credit. But they never even mention my name. And these were people that were begging me to do it — calling me, begging me like you’ve never seen. And now that criminal justice reform is done — beautiful package, wonderful — they don’t even mention my name. So stupid. So stupid.
但是如果你看看 - 如果你看一下这个改革方案,没有唐纳德·川普,它就不会发生。你知道吗?我不需要信用分数。我得到了足够的信用分数。但他们甚至都没提我的名字。这些是那些乞求我这样做的人 - 打电话给我,乞求我,就像你从未见过的那样。现在,刑事司法改革已经完成 - 美丽的方案,太精彩了 - 他们甚至没有提到我的名字。如此愚蠢。如此愚蠢。
Thank you. Thank you.
5:09 P.M. EDT
请勿错过:【川普】贸易协定 习可能采取更快行动 (全文翻译 一) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/20/904281.html
请勿错过:【川普】中国想达成协议 我还没准备好 (全文翻译 二) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/20/904338.html
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