在利比亚国内示威愈演愈烈的时刻,独裁者卡扎菲发表电视讲话,还以22年前北京天安门发生的事情作为例子。他说,“天安门事件发生时,坦克开进去对付示威 人们。这可不是开玩笑的。要尽全力保持国家统一。站在坦克前面的人,都被碾得粉碎。中国的完整和统一,重于天安门广场的人们。”
Tiananmen Crackdown is Beneficial to National Unity?
Tiananmen massacre, after being covered by the communist regime for 20 years,was mentioned by Libyan dictator Gadhafi in a speech as an example of violent repression. Gadhafi said Beijing』s use of tanks to crash the Tiananmen movement shows that national unity is more important than the people on Tiananmen Square.
His speech caused an uproar in the world media.
As the protests in Libya were gaining momentum,in a televised speech, the dictator Gadhafi used the Tiananmen massacre in 1989 as an example. He said, "During the Tiananmen crackdown, tanks were used to deal with the demonstrators. This is not a joke. Should maintain national unity. People standing in front of the tanks were crushed to pieces. China』s unity was more important than people on the square.
According to U.S. magazine The Atlantic』s online article, experts at CNN and Qatari TV station Al Jazeera stood aghast upon hearing Gaddafi's words.
China Alliance against Political Persecution』s Liu Yinquan said, Gaddafi』s reference was ridiculous. He was finding excuses for suppressing the people.
Liu said that China's unity and division are not directly related to the Tiananmen crackdown.
Liu: Without the crackdown, China wouldn』t divide. People on Tiananmen Square demanded democracy and anti-corruption. If reforms took place, a unified China would be developing orderly. The society would be more equitable. These could only be more beneficial to China』s unity.
U.S.-based Chinese activist Zheng Cunzhu believed, dictator Gadhafi's purpose is to retain power. People's lives are not worth consideration to him. Chinese Communist Party』s crackdown in 1989 was based on the same logic.
Zheng: The public opinion all over the world condemns the Tiananmen crackdown.
Yet Gadhafi wants to follow the Tiananmen model. He is defending himself and justifying the crackdown. He doesn't understand that time has changed.
On early morning of June 4, 1989, Chinese troops used machine rifles and heavy weapons to slaughter the protesters on Tiananmen Square. CCP leader Deng Xiaoping's massacre slogan was "200,000 deaths in exchange for 2 decades of stability." Tiananmen massacre shocked the entire world.
Commentator Lan Shu: CCP』s so-called "200,000 deaths for 2 decades of stability"
only led to 2 decades of Communist rule in China. It certainly did not lead to real stability in China. It has led to extensive government corruption,
officials』 corruption, wealth concentration, and the poverty of vast majority of people.
Liu: CCP』s misdeed has shamed all Chinese. China used to be a civilized superpower. We were a symbol of peace. However, CCP』s brutal crackdown and massacre have poisoned the political structure of the global village. It set a very bad example to other devilish dictators.
The Libyan government's crackdown on protestors has led to at least 300 deaths.
San Francisco Chinese media commentator Lan Shu believed, being deserted by his relatives and allies, Gadhafi cited Deng Xiaoping』s massacre slogan to boost his own morale. In fact, his days are numbered.
Lan Shu also analyzed, as Beijing always struggles to control the Chinese media,
reporting on democratic movements in Middle East and North Africa is regulated by the authorities. Gadhafi's speech embarrassed Beijing. It shows CCP has been using “special national conditions”as an excuse to not accept democracy and human rights.
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